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Top 9 các món ăn được chế biến từ sugar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 . Vietnamese fried spring rolls (nem/chả giò)

Vietnamese fried spring rolls (nem/chả giò)

Vietnamese fried spring rolls (nem/chả giò)

#Daisucookpad2022 #bepcomnha #ebepvang Spring rolls is one of the most popular dishes in Vietnam. Everyone loves it because it's delicious and can be served for anyone from any countries, from a 5-star hotel to street food shop. It's my great honour to welcome Becky - Cookpad's Global Head of Community - at my house in a rainy morning of October and we had good time to go to the market and to cook together in my cosy kitchen with Cookpad's orange colour. Now I'd to introduce Vietnamese spring rolls with a simple version that foreigners can easily find the ingredients to try it at home

Nguyên liệu

50 g


50 g


50 g


10 g


4 tablespoons

fish sauce

4 tablespoons


4 tablespoons


16 tablespoons


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Grate carrot, taro and corn
Grate carrot, taro and corn Grate carrot, taro and corn Grate carrot, taro and corn

* Bước 2

Mix ground pork shoulder with 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons seasoning powder, 1 tablespoons fish sauce and 1 teaspoons ground pepper
Mix ground pork shoulder with 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons seasoning powder, 1 tablespoons fish sauce and 1 teaspoons ground pepper Mix ground pork shoulder with 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons seasoning powder, 1 tablespoons fish sauce and 1 teaspoons ground pepper Mix ground pork shoulder with 2 yolks, 2 teaspoons seasoning powder, 1 tablespoons fish sauce and 1 teaspoons ground pepper

* Bước 3

Chop shallots and scallion
Chop shallots and scallion Chop shallots and scallion Chop shallots and scallion

* Bước 4

Mix all ingredients together. We seperate meat and the other ingredients into 2 parts and mix them finally so that the mixture is always dry and keep the spring rolls more crispy after frying (it's a tip)
Mix all ingredients together. We seperate meat and the other ingredients into 2 parts and mix them finally so that the mixture is always dry and keep the spring rolls more crispy after frying (it's a tip) Mix all ingredients together. We seperate meat and the other ingredients into 2 parts and mix them finally so that the mixture is always dry and keep the spring rolls more crispy after frying (it's a tip) Mix all ingredients together. We seperate meat and the other ingredients into 2 parts and mix them finally so that the mixture is always dry and keep the spring rolls more crispy after frying (it's a tip)

* Bước 5

Put garlic, chilli, sugar, fish sauce
Put garlic, chilli, sugar, fish sauce Put garlic, chilli, sugar, fish sauce Put garlic, chilli, sugar, fish sauce

* Bước 6

Vinegar and water together with the ratio as above until sugar is dissolved
Vinegar and water together with the ratio as above until sugar is dissolved Vinegar and water together with the ratio as above until sugar is dissolved Vinegar and water together with the ratio as above until sugar is dissolved

* Bước 7

Now it's ready for next part. We can use difference kinds of rice paper as round one
Now it's ready for next part. We can use difference kinds of rice paper as round one Now it's ready for next part. We can use difference kinds of rice paper as round one Now it's ready for next part. We can use difference kinds of rice paper as round one

* Bước 8

Or square rice paper. Wet 2 sides of the rice paper by water or beer to keep it more crispy (another tip), put the mixture in and wrap it as the pictures
Or square rice paper. Wet 2 sides of the rice paper by water or beer to keep it more crispy (another tip), put the mixture in and wrap it as the pictures Or square rice paper. Wet 2 sides of the rice paper by water or beer to keep it more crispy (another tip), put the mixture in and wrap it as the pictures Or square rice paper. Wet 2 sides of the rice paper by water or beer to keep it more crispy (another tip), put the mixture in and wrap it as the pictures

* Bước 9

It's easy to do it. I already prepare some kinds of rice paper which are usually used in the north, the middle and the south areas of Vietnam
It's easy to do it. I already prepare some kinds of rice paper which are usually used in the north, the middle and the south areas of Vietnam It's easy to do it. I already prepare some kinds of rice paper which are usually used in the north, the middle and the south areas of Vietnam It's easy to do it. I already prepare some kinds of rice paper which are usually used in the north, the middle and the south areas of Vietnam

* Bước 10

We can try with the square rice paper that we can add shrimp or crabmeat on top to make "nem cua bể" (crab spring rolls)
We can try with the square rice paper that we can add shrimp or crabmeat on top to make "nem cua bể" (crab spring rolls) We can try with the square rice paper that we can add shrimp or crabmeat on top to make "nem cua bể" (crab spring rolls) We can try with the square rice paper that we can add shrimp or crabmeat on top to make "nem cua bể" (crab spring rolls)

* Bước 11

Add 1 more rice paper to make it more crispy
Add 1 more rice paper to make it more crispy Add 1 more rice paper to make it more crispy Add 1 more rice paper to make it more crispy

* Bước 12

Or you can try with thinner version to make a sticky spring rolls and you can serve it with tomato sauce and mayonaise as snack for children. I'm sure they will like it
Or you can try with thinner version to make a sticky spring rolls and you can serve it with tomato sauce and mayonaise as snack for children. I'm sure they will like it Or you can try with thinner version to make a sticky spring rolls and you can serve it with tomato sauce and mayonaise as snack for children. I'm sure they will like it Or you can try with thinner version to make a sticky spring rolls and you can serve it with tomato sauce and mayonaise as snack for children. I'm sure they will like it

* Bước 13

Fry spring rolls with oil. Fry them 2 times to make them more crispy and keep them crispy longer (one more tip)
Fry spring rolls with oil. Fry them 2 times to make them more crispy and keep them crispy longer (one more tip) Fry spring rolls with oil. Fry them 2 times to make them more crispy and keep them crispy longer (one more tip) Fry spring rolls with oil. Fry them 2 times to make them more crispy and keep them crispy longer (one more tip)

* Bước 14

I try this triangle version at the first time and it's simple, too. At first, wet the rice paper, fold it and put the mixture at one side
I try this triangle version at the first time and it's simple, too. At first, wet the rice paper, fold it and put the mixture at one side I try this triangle version at the first time and it's simple, too. At first, wet the rice paper, fold it and put the mixture at one side I try this triangle version at the first time and it's simple, too. At first, wet the rice paper, fold it and put the mixture at one side

* Bước 15

And then fold it 3 times until we have a nice triangle spring roll
And then fold it 3 times until we have a nice triangle spring roll And then fold it 3 times until we have a nice triangle spring roll And then fold it 3 times until we have a nice triangle spring roll

* Bước 16

Let have a look on the dishes. Yummyyyy
Let have a look on the dishes. Yummyyyy Let have a look on the dishes. Yummyyyy Let have a look on the dishes. Yummyyyy

* Bước 17

We can prepare some more dishes to have a party
We can prepare some more dishes to have a party We can prepare some more dishes to have a party We can prepare some more dishes to have a party

* Bước 18

We can serve chả giò with fresh vermicelli, salad and some kinds of herbs. Hope you can try to make it this weekend
We can serve chả giò with fresh vermicelli, salad and some kinds of herbs. Hope you can try to make it this weekend We can serve chả giò with fresh vermicelli, salad and some kinds of herbs. Hope you can try to make it this weekend We can serve chả giò with fresh vermicelli, salad and some kinds of herbs. Hope you can try to make it this weekend

* Bước 19

We have BBQ chicken, stir-fried beef with onion and bánh tôm (shrimp mix with crispy flour and grated sweet potato) to have a party at home
We have BBQ chicken, stir-fried beef with onion and bánh tôm (shrimp mix with crispy flour and grated sweet potato) to have a party at home We have BBQ chicken, stir-fried beef with onion and bánh tôm (shrimp mix with crispy flour and grated sweet potato) to have a party at home We have BBQ chicken, stir-fried beef with onion and bánh tôm (shrimp mix with crispy flour and grated sweet potato) to have a party at home

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2 . Brioche



Nguyên liệu

300 gr






Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Nhào bột, đường, men, trứng, thả từng chút bơ vào đánh cho quyện. Ủ tủ lạnh qua đêm

* Bước 2

Sáng dậy tạo hình, nướng 190 độ 25 phút

* Bước 3

Ăn kèm bơ và mứt, hương vị như Brioche của Pháp

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3 . Chè khúc bạch

Chè khúc bạch

Chè khúc bạch

Vốn tính chả siêng năng gì, nên mình chỉ chọn những món cực kì đơn giản mà làm thôi... Với những nguyên liệu cực dễ tìm ở bất cứ đâu, lại dễ ăn và hợp khẩu vị mọi người, nên hnay mình sẽ làm chè khúc bạch Mùa này đào đang hot, cũng muốn lạ miệng 1 chút ( bình thường khúc bạch ăn với trái vải ngâm là hợp nhất) nên mình quýêt định làm khúc bạch đào

Nguyên liệu

300 ml


120 gr


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Cho whipping cream + milk + sugar vào nồi, nấu cho tan đường

* Bước 2

Gelatin ngâm trong nước đá cho nở Khoảng chừng 5-7phút Sau đó vớt ra, bỏ gelatin vào lò vi sóng đun chảy... Hoặc các bạn có thể hấp cách thủy để làm tan gelatin

* Bước 3

Cho gelatin vào hỗn hợp vừa nấu trên, quậy đều....

* Bước 4

Sau đó đổ vào khuôn nhựa (để dễ dàng lấy ra)

* Bước 5

Để nguội, bỏ vào tủ lạnh khoảng 3-4 tiếng cho đông lại

* Bước 6

Sau khi đông lại, lấy ra khỏi khuôn và cắt theo ý thích

* Bước 7

Đường phèn thì mình nấu cứ 500gr thì 1lít nước nha Hạnh nhân thì chỉ việc rang lên cho vàng, giòn thôi

* Bước 8

Cách dùng : lấy khúc bạch đã cắt nhỏ vào chén, đào ngâm cũng cắt cho, sau đó cho hạnh nhân lên trên, thêm đá vào, ăn lành lạnh, mát rượi cả người luôn, hehee

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4 . Bánh mì phô mai sốt bơ tỏi

Bánh mì phô mai sốt bơ tỏi

Bánh mì phô mai sốt bơ tỏi

Mình học hỏi các chị trên mạng để làm ra anh bạn này, muốn xem thử sự kết hợp giữa cream cheese và mùi hăng nhẹ của tỏi sẽ tạo ra điều gì khác biệt. Kết quả thì mọi người ăn thử đều cho mình một cái view tốt. Công thức mình được chia sẻ từ các chị ấy nên nay mình muốn chia sẻ lại những bạn nào chưa biết hoặc muốn tìm cách làm thì vào đây với mình nhé . ❤

Nguyên liệu

20 gr


150 gr


1 tsp


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Phần bột bánh mì:Cách làm cho tất cả các thành phần trừ bơ vào máy đánh trứng cho đến khi hỗn hợp bột đều và mịn sao đó cho 40g bơ vào đánh 10 phút cho đến khi kéo màng mỏng. Ủ bột bánh mì cho đến khi nở gấp 2 đập cho xẹp bột khí chia bánh theo kích thước từ 110 đến 200 tùy sở thích. Vo thành hình tròn cho bánh nở lại gấp 2 Cho bánh vào lò nướng 180 độ trong 23_ 25 phút tùy theo bánh to hay nhỏ.

* Bước 2

Phần kem phô mai: Cách làm Đánh tan cream chees với 20g đường cho đến khi tan hết đường tiếp tục cho 70 g whipping cream và nước cốt chanh vào đánh cho đến khi hỗn hợp đều mịn. Cho vào túi bắt kem bỏ tủ lạnh

* Bước 3

Phần sốt bơ tỏi: Cách làm Chưng lỏng bơ trộn sữa đặc, tỏi, mật ong,muối, trứng ray mịn,và rau mùi tây (ngò rs) cho đến khi hỗn hợp đều. Khâu cuối cùng Bánh mì dùng dao cắt bánh mì 6 phần không để đứt như hình. Dùng túi phô mai đã chuẩn bị sẵn ở phần B bơm vào từng vách của bánh mì (6 vách) Sau đó dùng chổi thấm phần sốt tỏi quét lên toàn bộ mặt bánh. Nếu muốn ăn nhiều sốt tỏi có thể phết nhiều hơn vào cách vách cắt của bánh mì. Hoặc cầm bánh mì vùi mặt trên xuống âu bơ tỏi là nhanh nhất.

* Bước 4

Bật lò 170°C nướng tiếp 7' là oke

* Bước 5

Chúc mọi người thành công

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5 . Muffin



Nguyên liệu

400 g


220 g


300 g


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Cho tất cả nguyên liệu vào cối đánh từ từ với tốc độ tăng dần.

* Bước 2

Bơm vào khuôn và nướng 165 độ 30p

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6 . Tomato Sauce with Anchovies

Tomato Sauce with Anchovies

Tomato Sauce with Anchovies

While anchovy fillets are undeniably fishy, the salty funkiness of these little fish is their strength. Anchovies have a rich, umami flavor that adds a layer of complexity when dissolved into a sauce or emulsified into a dressing.

Nguyên liệu

1/4 cup

olive oil

2 tsp


1 tsp


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

In a large sauce pan over medium low heat, add olive oil, onion, celery, season with salt and cook for about 15 minutes until soft and golden. Mix garlic into onion mixture and cook just until fragrant, about 1 more minute.

* Bước 2

Pour tomatoes and their juice into a large mixing bowl and use your hands to crush the tomatoes until they look pureed.
Pour tomatoes and their juice into a large mixing bowl and use your hands to crush the tomatoes until they look pureed.

* Bước 3

Mix sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, anchovy paste, white wine vinegar, Italian herbs, and chili flakes into vegetable mixture. Raise heat to medium and cook just until liquid has evaporated. Stir in tomato paste and bring to a simmer.

* Bước 4

Pour in crushed tomatoes and parsley. Bring sauce to a simmer, turn heat to low, and simmer for 1 to 2 hours, adding a little water as the sauce cooks down. Stir occasionally.
Pour in crushed tomatoes and parsley. Bring sauce to a simmer, turn heat to low, and simmer for 1 to 2 hours, adding a little water as the sauce cooks down. Stir occasionally. Pour in crushed tomatoes and parsley. Bring sauce to a simmer, turn heat to low, and simmer for 1 to 2 hours, adding a little water as the sauce cooks down. Stir occasionally.

* Bước 5

Remove from heat and blend the sauce to get a smooth texture. Store in sterilized glass jars.
Remove from heat and blend the sauce to get a smooth texture. Store in sterilized glass jars. Remove from heat and blend the sauce to get a smooth texture. Store in sterilized glass jars. Remove from heat and blend the sauce to get a smooth texture. Store in sterilized glass jars.

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7 . Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Sauce

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Sauce

Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake with Peanut Butter Sauce

Put Peanut Butter and Chocolate together and you've got a winning combo. Soft, moist, and perfectly balanced. This bundt cake stores well, and is great when served with chocolate or vanilla ice cream.

Nguyên liệu

50 g (1/4 cup)


15 ml (1 tbsp)

vegetable oil

1/8 tsp


56 ml (1/4 cup)

milk, room temperature

1/8 tsp

baking soda

1/8 tsp


28 ml (1/8 cup)

boiling water

38 ml (1/8 cup)

sweetened condensed milk

11 ml (3/4 tbsp)


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Preheat your oven to 350F (177C). Prep a 330 ml (1 1/3 cup) bundt mould with melted shortening and coat it with granulated sugar. You can also use softened butter and cocoa powder. Set aside.

* Bước 2

For the Chocolate batter: - Cream together the sugar and oil in a bowl. - Mix in the egg, vanilla and milk. - In a separate bowl combine the flour, cocoa powder. baking powder, baking soda and salt. - Slowly add your dry ingredients to your wet ingredients while stirring until combined. - Mix in the boiling water.

* Bước 3

For the Peanut Butter batter: - Cream together the butter, peanut butter and sugar in a bowl. - Mix in the egg and vanilla. - In a separate bowl combine the flour, baking powder and salt. - Mix in 1/3 of your flour mixture until mixed. Followed by 1/3 of your milk. Alternate until everything is added.

* Bước 4

Layering the cake: - Pour some of the chocolate batter into the prepared bundt pan. - Scoop peanut butter batter over the chocolate batter. - Continue alternating until both batters are completely used. - Bake for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. - Allow to cool before removing from pan.
Layering the cake:
- Pour some of the chocolate batter into the prepared bundt pan.
- Scoop peanut butter batter over the chocolate batter.
- Continue alternating until both batters are completely used.
- Bake for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. 
- Allow to cool before removing from pan. Layering the cake:
- Pour some of the chocolate batter into the prepared bundt pan.
- Scoop peanut butter batter over the chocolate batter.
- Continue alternating until both batters are completely used.
- Bake for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. 
- Allow to cool before removing from pan. Layering the cake:
- Pour some of the chocolate batter into the prepared bundt pan.
- Scoop peanut butter batter over the chocolate batter.
- Continue alternating until both batters are completely used.
- Bake for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean. 
- Allow to cool before removing from pan.

* Bước 5

For the Peanut Butter sauce: - Place the peanut butter, sweetened condensed milk, water, and vanilla in a small bowl. - Microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 15 to 20 seconds, until the mixture is well combined and runny. Drizzle over the cake. Note: if you leave this sauce out in the bowl for a while, it will thicken up. It’s best to make the peanut butter sauce just prior to placing it on the cake.
For the Peanut Butter sauce:
- Place the peanut butter, sweetened condensed milk, water, and vanilla in a small bowl.
- Microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 15 to 20 seconds, until the mixture is well combined and runny. Drizzle over the cake.
Note: if you leave this sauce out in the bowl for a while, it will thicken up. It’s best to make the peanut butter sauce just prior to placing it on the cake. For the Peanut Butter sauce:
- Place the peanut butter, sweetened condensed milk, water, and vanilla in a small bowl.
- Microwave for 1 to 2 minutes, stirring every 15 to 20 seconds, until the mixture is well combined and runny. Drizzle over the cake.
Note: if you leave this sauce out in the bowl for a while, it will thicken up. It’s best to make the peanut butter sauce just prior to placing it on the cake.

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8 . Light Brioche Burger Buns - Vỏ Burger Brioche Lạt

Light Brioche Burger Buns - Vỏ Burger Brioche Lạt

Light Brioche Burger Buns - Vỏ Burger Brioche Lạt

These medium-sized rolls were made using fast acting yeast with lesser egg, butter than traditional brioche. No more store-bought. No more stale buns. Ready to serve in less than 2 hours. Can be made into hot dog buns as well.

Nguyên liệu

46 g


2 g


76 g


Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

In a mixing bowl with dough hooks, mix all ingredients together except butter. Note: place salt and dry yeast apart. Beat the dough until no more crumbs, 1-2 minutes.
In a mixing bowl with dough hooks, mix all ingredients together except butter. Note: place salt and dry yeast apart. Beat the dough until no more crumbs, 1-2 minutes. In a mixing bowl with dough hooks, mix all ingredients together except butter. Note: place salt and dry yeast apart. Beat the dough until no more crumbs, 1-2 minutes.

* Bước 2

Add in soften butter cubes one at a time and beat until windowpane, about 20 minutes. Cover with plastic wraps and let it rest it for 10-12 minutes.
Add in soften butter cubes one at a time and beat until windowpane, about 20 minutes. Cover with plastic wraps and let it rest it for 10-12 minutes. Add in soften butter cubes one at a time and beat until windowpane, about 20 minutes. Cover with plastic wraps and let it rest it for 10-12 minutes.

* Bước 3

Flour your work surface with all-purpose flour. Weigh the dough and divide it into 6 portions, ~73 g each. Form each portion to a ball.
Flour your work surface with all-purpose flour. Weigh the dough and divide it into 6 portions, ~73 g each. Form each portion to a ball. Flour your work surface with all-purpose flour. Weigh the dough and divide it into 6 portions, ~73 g each. Form each portion to a ball.

* Bước 4

Place the rolls onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and cover with a damp tower for 45 minutes or until almost tripled in size. Preheat your oven to 180 C, no fan. Brush the balls with the leftover beaten egg. Sprinkle sesame on top.
Place the rolls onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and cover with a damp tower for 45 minutes or until almost tripled in size. Preheat your oven to 180 C, no fan. Brush the balls with the leftover beaten egg. Sprinkle sesame on top. Place the rolls onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and cover with a damp tower for 45 minutes or until almost tripled in size. Preheat your oven to 180 C, no fan. Brush the balls with the leftover beaten egg. Sprinkle sesame on top.

* Bước 5

Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown.
Bake for 12 minutes or until golden brown.

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9 . Assorted Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream Bars

Assorted Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream Bars

Assorted Chocolate Dipped Ice Cream Bars

These homemade magnum-inspired ice cream bars are creamy and full of flavors. Here we have Pistachio, Peanut Butter and Berries because why have one flavor when you can make three 😁

Nguyên liệu

15 ml


1/4 tsp




15 ml (1 tbsp)

coconut oil

Hướng dẫn nấu nướng

* Bước 1

Flavor prepping: combine all ingredients except the heavy cream of 3 flavors respectively in 3 separate bowls. Mix using a whisk until well blended.

* Bước 2

In another mixing bowl, beat the heavy cream until stiff peaks form and divide in 3 portions. Carefully using a rubber spatula, fold each portion of the whipped cream into each flavor bowl.

* Bước 3

Pour into the ice cream moulds. Freeze for at least 4 hours.

* Bước 4

Chocolate Coat: place the chocolate and coconut oil into a microwave safe bowl. Melt in the microwave using 15 second bursts. Stir well between each burst. There should be no lumps of chocolate or coconut oil remaining. Pour melted chocolate into a tall and skinny glass. Let cool slightly. Prep your working space with a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, it will get messy!

* Bước 5

Demould the ice cream. While holding the stick, immediately dip ice cream into melted chocolate then very gently shake the ice cream a bit so that coating will run through it without setting too thick. The chocolate coating should set in 30-60 seconds at room temp. If you have a warm kitchen and coating does not seem to set, open the freezer door and hold the ice cream “into the freezer” with the help of the stick. The chocolate coat will set in this cold temp fairly quickly.

* Bước 6

Place the ice cream bars (on the baking sheet) into the freezer. After they've had a chance to firm back up for 60-90 minutes, serve or wrap them individually in aluminum foil and store in a freezer-safe container. Best eaten after 3 minutes out of the freezer.

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Lời khuyên của các chuyên gia về ăn uống

1. Bữa ăn bao gồm các thực phẩm giàu tinh bột

2. Ăn nhiều rau xanh và trái cây

3. Ăn nhiều cá hơn

4. Cắt giảm chất béo bão hòa và đường

5. Trong chế độ ăn uống, hãy ăn ít muối

6. Tích cực vận động và giữ số cân hợp lý

7. Không để cơ thể thiếu nước

8. Không bỏ bữa sáng

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